Friday, August 22, 2008

Oh God ! library is closed today....

Few occasions one would like to see during AIIMS stay is a closed door of library. The library with more than one lakh books and journals is 24 hour running library, a new kind of its own in the medical institutions of the country.Though the condition of library has deteriorated but still it is maintaining the tradition of opening in odd hours to odd days. There are in fact few days in years where library is closed. Else it opens continuously.

For me library is as good as my room. Many days and nights I have devoted there. Whether I have time or not I reach there daily to satisfy my incompleteness. Whether I am in good mood or not I prefer to sit there. It keeps me far from the people I don’t want to encounter, keeps quiet from people I don’t want to talk and puts me in the state of rest which itself is good physically and mentally.

This library stay has put me in the state of mental peace. I don’t need to explain people what I was doing, what I wanted to do and more so I can enjoy my time the way I would like to. Sure it keeps me far from the discussion, comments, politics, involvement and participation. So I don’t mind if I can read or not. A feeling of well being is always there in my mind if I visit library. It’s almost next to visiting temple for me.

Early morning I found my library is closed. What a surprise! I stressed my head what is today. Oh god it’s Independence Day. I came back half heartedly. Thought why not to capture a picture of it? It’s like an eclipse for the regular visitors, so called “the true librarians”

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