Wednesday, May 30, 2007

music and me

i am poor. doing residency for free. i dont have creative music system nor have i bose sound system. i have a local radio costing arround 200 rs. i dont have music collection nor have i bunch of cd or mp3s. but my radio turns on once i am inside room.

currently listening a song in radio titled oh ajnabi . i really love this song. carries no meaning to my life, doesnot resembles to my life. still i love it. its melodious. more so when i am in operation theatre and our small music system in operation theatre plays this songs. i cannot describe the situation. this song is so popular in FM channel. whenever FM channels are searched in our theatre music system there it comes. i feel refreshed after this song even tough i am standing for hours and hours. i feel more energetic . i dont care even if i am late to have lunch.

Part of the reason why I want to be a surgeon: you get to listen to music while you work. This is also why I love to go to our main operation theatre where spine surgeires are going on. few of our consultants love music in theatre. some surgeon doesnot like music while operating. i have noticed myself humming many times while assisting in surgeries. i guess i was influenced from my undergrad teachers who used to sing while operating. though this is not the healthy practice one can definitely listen song and proceed with surgeries.

oh god! tomorrow we dont have theatre. because of vacation we are off from one theatre per week. i dont mind listening my small radio. only problem is i have to wait till my favourite song comes.


Coffee Addict said...

hmm... i just posted about the music in operating theatre thing a while ago. LOL. you removed your post on my blog? Thanks for posting anyway. Good to know one's not matter where you work, its pretty much the same.

Bone fixer said...

hey doc i wrote after going through your post. sometimes situation makes you comfortable to write and sometimes seeing other people writing. sorry to quote few of your expressions. dont mind.